Lenten Poem

Lenten Poem by Ann Weems

Lent is a time to take time to let the power
of our faith story take hold of us,
a time to let the events get up
and walk around in us,
a time to intensify our living unto Christ,
a time to hover over the thoughts of our hearts,
a time to place our feet in the streets of
Jerusalem or to walk along the sea and
listen to his Word,
a time to touch his robe
and feel the healing surge through us,
a time to ponder and a time to wonder….
Lent is a time to allow
a fresh new taste of God!
Perhaps we’re afraid to have time to think,
for thoughts come unbidden.
Perhaps we’re afraid to face our future
knowing our past.
Give us courage, O God,
to hear your Word
and to read our living into it.
Give us the trust to know we’re forgiven
and give us the faith
to take up our lives and walk.


33 thoughts on “Lenten Poem

  1. Ann: May I have permission to use your beautiful poem in our monthly church newsletter for March 2013 with full credit and citing to you? Susie Hilton, Deacon Communication Coordinator.


  2. I too would like to use this poem as an opening prayer for a soup supper… I prayer you’ll grant permission… thank you …Rebecca


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  4. May I use your beautiful Lenten poem in our school newsletter….giving you full credit? I would be grateful to share your words with our families during this Lenten season. God bless you!



  5. Ann, I have hand copied this prayer poem into a public journal being created during Lent at the Adelaide College of Divinity, 2014. I hope that is OK.


  6. Ann, I would so love to use your wonderful poem in our church bulletin this Sunday, if that is alright with you? So appropriate and inspiring. Thank you and
    God bless you. A.T., Ohio


  7. Dear Ann,
    This poem is absolutely lovely.
    I am the newsletter editor for St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Coeur d’Alene, ID. May I reprint this poem in our February 2015 newsletter giving credit to you, of course, and listing the URL to this page?
    Kate Dolan


  8. Dear Ann, I have shared this poem on my facebook attributing it to you. Pls let me know if you are not comfortable with it in any way and I shall remove it right away. Thank you for sharing your life and thoughts.


  9. Dear Ann,
    May we please share your beautiful poem with our congregation? We would of course acknowledge you as its author.
    Thank you,
    Kimberly – on behalf of Toorak Uniting Church


  10. I’m the pastor of a tiny congregation on the coast of Maine; I actually went looking via Google “Ann Weems poem of healing” never having read this one, but knowing of, (and owning) several of your lovely poetry collections. It’s not the Lenten season, but still, my congregation really needs these words. Please could I have permission to have it appear in our newsletter with proper attribution? The paper copy and/or the link via our little website?


  11. Ann, I am writing to ask if it is ok if I use your poem in our next newsletter and use it for part of a Lenten worship. Thank you


  12. I would love to include a reading of your poem during my church’s pre-Lenten breakfast. Giving you of course proper credit. Is this acceptable? What other permissions may I need?


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